Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Good Night James Ingram!

 The news of James Ingram's sudden passing just rocked the social media world yesterday (Jan 29th, 2019.)

Anyone that loves classic R&B music and those of us that remember when Ingram's 1st hit was in mourning.

On a day like today, I don't count the Grammy Awards or record sales.

I do reflect on the fact that James Ingram burst on the scene at a very special time in my life.
I had not accomplished that much, but the world and future seemed so bright.

I was still in junior high school and my brother and I would listen to the radio on an old stereo that sat in our living room. If you've never seen a "floor model" stereo? We had one that had a record player (broke after 5 years and could not get the needle replaced), an 8 track tape deck (we had about seven 8 track tapes) and a FM/AM radio. Of course the stereo was huge, took 4 people to move it. Those stereos were actually beautifully wood carved. On Saturday afternoons my dad played all his classic Gospel music and during the brother, Mark and I ran the stereo.

We would bug the local radio station DJ's and ask for our favorite songs and yell like we won The NBA finals when the DJ's would actually say our names with the request. (I know no big deal now days.)

It was on one of those midweek days when DJ, Diane Pryor dropped "a new single from the upcoming Quincy Jones LP called The Dude." The song was "Just Once." And it was always announced the same way ..."Just Once from Quincy Jones's new album The Dude, featuring James Ingram."

Last night I needed a hug.
Because ...James Ingram did have Grammy Awards but never got the credit as a vocalist he deserved.
Because...Ingram's voice was a gift from God that will never be replaced.
Mostly because I remember the first time and the first 10 times I heard "Just Once." His music made me feel young and happy (hey I had not yet been in a Just Once situation, in my life yet.)

I need a hug because this "celebrity" passing reminds me that the world will never be like 1981 for me again and that makes me feel old and sad.

 My prayers our with his family, his friends and fans.

You Gave Your Best....and It Was More Than Good Enough!

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