Tuesday, January 30, 2018

4 Questions About Tonight's Boycott of The State Of The Union


Among the most honored and tenured members of congress that will not be present for the first State Of The Union address by President Trump will be Maxine Waters.

This is the first time in history members of congress are vocally and personally boycotting and refusing to attend because of the actions and I guess TWEETS from a President.

Here's 4 questions I have for tonight's boycott.

DISCLAIMER: I am merely asking questions. This is not to start a political web riot.

1. Should Members of Congress Attend with Members Of
The Community Disrespected By The President and others?
What would be the impact if like write dream Hampton said on her Twitter? Maxine Waters Should Bring Stormy Daniels (the porn actress accused of having an affair with Trump while his wife was pregnant?)

Also how about bring people from Trump's S-Hole Countries and "Dreamers?"

2. What Is Actually Worse A Formal Protest in The Halls Of Congress or Empty Chairs?

3. Why Didn't More Democrats Decide To Boycott?
The Democratic Party makes more excuses for the bigoted behavior of THE GOP than I care to count. While the GOP never answers a direct question about their bigoted voters or current President.

So why do the DEMS always feel the need to display decorum?
If manners mattered? Wouldn't we have a different President?

4.What Happens with The Democratic Party The Morning After?

One thing I like about the people sitting out tonight, is that they all have done more than just boycott for change.

They have passed laws and worked inside and outside of the system.

They have made changes to their states and to individuals one by one.

So a boycott sends a strong and sober message. However, can anything be done to change the behavior of Donald Trump? Can anything change the fact that the Republican Party will let him actually shoot someone on 5th Avenue in New York? Will any other Democrats stop playing nice or worrying about INDEPENDENT voters and make real change on immigration but also topics like mass incarceration?

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